Personal Hygiene  Tips for Kids


Habits made early are easy to follow throughout life.  If these habits are good habits, there is no comparison to that.

Anything that goes into the mouth is via the hands. So, it is really very important for us to teach our kids how to wash the hands properly covering all the sides, fingers, nails and thumb.

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Hand Hygiene


Nail hygiene is something very important as long nails can bear a lot of dust and germs which can directly go into the mouth.

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Nail Cutting


Cleaning of a child’s mouth is as important as that of an adult. Brushing of teeth as well as cleaning the tongue should be mandatory and the habit should be introduced at a very early stage to the kids.

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Oral Hygiene


Bathing with a mild soap should be something that is done everyday as it helps to keep the body clean and fresh

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The cleaner the better. When the kids are small i.e. when they are just toddlers involve them with you in cleaning the room or the house. This will help them give a basic concept of cleanliness.

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Room Cleaning
