good mom, good mother

You Are A Good Mom!!

Yes you are. 

Not just one, there are so many reasons that you are a good mom. Did the society try to tell you otherwise? Never mind…Trust me you are a good mom.

You woke up all those nights to just let your baby sleep well… You are a good mom.

You made sure the little tummy was always full, despite missing out on your own meals… You are a good mom.

Your little one always looked tidy and clean, no matter how messy your hair and clothes were… You are a good mom.

You changed those diapers all day long… You are a good mom.

When your tiny human was sick, you were there to hold her tight.. You are a good mom.

You always answered to the hundreds of questions she asked you every day… You are a good mom.

You managed to handle your cute little baby as well as the work at home and in office… You are a good mom. 

You tried your best to care for your sweet little child when you yourself were not feeling great… You are a good mom. 

You kissed every time your little angel had a boo boo… You are a good mom.

You sacrificed your career for the beautiful soul, being selfless… You are a good mom.

You did your best to teach your kid to be the best version of yourself… You are a good mom. 

You had all the patience in the world to care for your child… You are a good mom. 

#Just trying your best at being a good mom.. makes you a good mom. 

Just in case no one had been telling you this…. You are a good mom!!

Related: Ever tried apologizing to your child?? It works…

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