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The Ultimate Guide to Benefits of Salt Water Rinses and Gargles

Salt water rinses is a home remedy to so many routine problems involving mouth and throat. Dating back to 1600s salt water has been used as the first line of treatment at home by many. It has been used for sore throat, bleeding gums, tooth aches, mouth sores, bad breath etc.

You definitely might have used salt water for rinsing as well as gargling your mouth and your throat. Even doctors recommend this home remedy as it is very beneficial for healing. It is very easy to prepare salt water as well as it is safe and helps in pain relief and gives comfort at least for a while. It enhances healing of soft tissue in the mouth and during respiratory problems like sore throat or cough. But just salt water rinses or gargles will not help, as proper treatment is mandatory.

How Is Salt Water Prepared For Rinses or Gargles?

Preparing salt water for rinses and gargles is very easy.

  1. Heat a cup (approximately 240 ml) of drinking water till it is luke warm.
  2. Add half a tea spoon of salt to it.
  3. Stir till the salt dissolves completely.

Your salt water mouth rinse is ready to use.

How to prepare warm salt water for rinses, Salt water, Salt water rinses, Preparing salt water,

How To Gargle With Salt Water Effectively?

  1. Take a small quantity of salt water in the mouth.
  2. Keep it at the back of your throat and gargle.
  3. Spit it out.
  4. Repeat it a few times.

Benefits of Salt Water Gargles

Salt Water Gargles help in sore throat tremendously.

salt water gargles, gargling with salt water for sore throat, tonsilitis, dry cough

Eases Throat Pain

Gargling salt water for sore throat helps in reducing the pain in the throat and also enhances healing. It reduces the inflammation and reduces your recovery time from the infection.

Helps in Upper Respiratory Tract Infection

Many studies have shown that gargling with warm salt water helps in preventing or promoting early healing in case of upper respiratory tract infections like common cold, flu, sore throat and cough.

Helps in Treating Dry Cough

Salt water gargles helps in relieving dry cough early by acting as an anti-tussive (that helps in stopping cough).

Helps in Reducing Mucus Formation

It prevents the formation of mucus, and therefore helps in early recovery.

Helps in Reducing Nasal Congestion

If you have common cold, the salt water again helps in clearing out the mucous and reducing the recovery time. You feel comfortable after rinsing and gargling with salt water.

Helps in Reducing Inflammation During Tonsilitis

Tonsilitis is the inflammation of the tonsils and warm salt water helps in reducing that inflammation, reducing pain and better healing.

How To Rinse With Salt Water Effectively?

  1. Take a small quantity of salt water in the mouth.
  2. Keep it in your mouth and swish it thoroughly.
  3. Spit is out.
  4. Repeat it a few times.

Benefits Of Salt Water Mouth Rinses

Warm Salt Water works wonders when it comes to your oral cavity.

Salt water rinses, salt water rinses after wisdom tooth extraction

Helps In Reducing Bleeding From The Gums

Warm salt water is the best mouth wash you can use for your oral cavity and will help tremendously for inflamed tissues. The warm salt water rinses will help in reducing bleeding from the gums, reducing inflammation, and prevent gingivitis. Even if you do not have any dental problems, rinsing with salt water occasionally is good for the oral cavity.

Helps In Reducing Bad Breath (Halitosis)

You can not use a mouth wash everyday as mouth wash contains alcohol that can irritate the gums and the mouth. So, warm salt water rinses act as the best mouth wash. Due to its antimicrobial properties salt water can help in reducing the bad breath. Rinsing with warm salt water twice every day would be beneficial, if there is no other underlying cause for bad breath.

Helps In Healing Mouth Ulcers

Mouth ulcers are the painful small lesions in the mouth which might have occurred due to a trauma from a teeth while eating or speaking, or when sometimes you eat something hard or sharp like chips, or it can be an aphthous ulcer which can be due to any kind of deficiency, or even stress related. Warm salt water rinses can help in reducing the pain and inflammation and also promote healing.

Helps In Reducing Dental Plaque

Dental Plaque is the layer which gets deposited over the surface of the teeth. This plaque if not removed will turn into hard deposits which are the dental calculus and then can be removed only by a professional dental scaling or cleaning. Warm salt water rinses will prevent the dental plaque from depositing.

Helps In Healing Post Extraction

Salt water rinses are advised by every dentist after the tooth extraction. You need to start rinsing with warm salt water 24 hours after the extraction or any surgery that has been done in your mouth. It will help in early healing and reduce the pain and inflammation that you would be having post operatively. So, do not forget to rinse with warm salt water few times in a day after 24 hours of the procedure, until and unless your doctor has advised you to not do it. Salt water rinses after the wisdom tooth extraction (after 24 hours) works wonders.

Helps In Preventing Candidiasis

Not necessary but salt water rinses can help in preventing candidiasis. Candidiasis or oral thrush is a fungal infection which is seen in the oral cavity as white patches. When scraped these patches can cause bleeding and will leave a red area underneath. It is self limiting but if the disease increases or if you are feeling uncomfortable best is to visit a dentist as soon as possible.

Helps In Relieving Tooth Ache

Salt water rinses might help in reducing toothache to some extend. But a dental visit is mandatory if you have even a mild tooth ache and otherwise also. A visit every 6 months to a dentist is mandatory.

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So, salt water rinses is more of a home remedy which you can use for a lot of problems. But that does not mean you will skip your doctor’s appointment. Salt water is no magic, it works on the basis of science and helps in reducing pain and discomfort to some extend.


This blog provides general information about Salt Water Rinses for oral and general health. The opinion and content on this blog is only for conversational purposes and should not be interpreted as medical or dental advice pertaining to any particular individual. If the reader or any other person has a medical or a dental concern, he or she should consult with an appropriate licensed medical or dental practitioner.

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