Celebrated every year on the 2nd of April since 1967, on the birthday of Hans Christian Andersen. He was a great author, play writer and above all is remembered as an astounding fairy tale writer.
Remember the The Little Mermaid ?? The Ugly Duckling?? The Snow Queen??
All were written by H. C. Andersen and loved by all of us.
Why is the international children’s book day celebrated every year?
It is to inculcate the love for reading the books especially in the young people. The gadgets have become more handy and easy to use these days. But still the books are irreplaceable.
The theme for the International Children’s Day 2021 is “The music of words.”
Indeed reading a book is like a music. Getting in the flow, tuning the brain with the words and the flow of the thoughts are endless when you read a book. It is more like a movie running in your brain.
The habit of reading should be inculcated in children to the earliest, which will help their brains to exercise more, help in increasing their vocabulary, thinking more innovatively than they do, help in speech development and keep them away from the screen.
There are so many options available for books for infants and toddlers as well. Picture books, touch and feel books, pop up books, cloth books, story books, sticker books, puppet books and many more to begin with. Parents need to sit with the kid and read it to them and finally they will be fond of you reading to them every day.
Books improve memory and many times becomes your best friend. So, it is very important for us to help our kids get into the habit and enjoying reading.
Check the various books in Product review section which we tried with our kid.
Product Reviews
Happy Parenting!