A newborn baby is surreal and dream-like, and buying a perfect gift for him or her is one of the most arduous jobs. And when this tiny little human is someone really really close to you, it becomes even more difficult to decide what perfect gift you should buy.
So here are 20 perfect gifts you can buy for this little one, which would be helpful both to the child as well as to the parents.
1. Bottle Sterilizer
The basic need of a baby is milk, and most babies are bottle-fed at some point or the other (there are few exceptions). If you feel the baby you are buying a gift for is either using a bottle for the feed or eventually will be using it, this is the best thing that you can think of.
A bottle Sterilizer not only cleans the bottle thoroughly but prevents your baby to get any type of infection that might be caused by bottle feed, as the main reason for the infection is that the bottles are not sterilized properly.
Here is the link to one of the bottle sterilizers available and that we personally used for our daughter.
2. Baby Monitor
One of the necessities for parents, especially the ones who do not co-sleep, a baby monitor is a savior. You get to know about each and every sound your child is making and can have a good night sleep in your room, as you know the monitor is there to wake you up if anything is wrong.
So, this makes another good gift for the new parents.
3. Cot Mobile Toy
May be not immediately but within a few months the child will start looking at things especially above his or her head, and if a musical toy with pretty colors is something he or she sees, this will be mesmerizing for the little one.
So, do consider this option and think about gifting a beautiful Cot Mobile toy for the new born.
Here is the link to what we used for our daughter.
4. Essentials
There are certain things like baby soap, shampoo, moisturizer, baby brush, comb, talcum, nail clippers, hair brush, mittens, that are essential for every new born baby.
You can go for a good brand like sebamed, aveeno, chicco, himalaya, if you want to take good chances to avoid any type of allergy which might be caused.
You can make a pretty basket out of it and gift it to the new parents. They would love the present surprise.
5. Play Gym
May be not immediately but in a few months, a play gym will be something the baby will enjoy the most. This helps in making the infant happy as well as more active, and helps strengthen the bones as he or she will try to reach out to all the colors and toys in the gyms.
Many gym also have a piano attached to the gym which is towards the kids feet. The child enjoys the music as his or her tiny feet hits the keys of the piano. This adds to the start of kids activities.
Here is the amazon link to one of the good play gyms
6. Customized Quilt, Blanket or a Towel
If you are aware of the name and the gender of the baby before hand, then a customized quilt, blanket or a towel will make an amazing gift the new born and also the parents will feel delighted by seeing the name of their new born over the gift.
There are many websites available for the same. Also, there are many shops in the local market that do the customized printing and you can get it done for the newly born.
7. Customized Baby Name
Another amazing personalized gift is customized baby name. There are so many options available for the same, such as in cloth or metal or sometimes even wood.
If you are aware of the baby’s name it is one of the best gift option that is available. Otherwise you can gift it with a first few days after the baby is born.
8. Hand and Footprint Maker
Which parent would not want to keep impressions of their new born babies hands and feet?
And getting it done in 3D is such an amazing thing to remember and keep.
This is again one of the most amazing gifts for the new born baby, and also as the baby grows, he or she will be overwhelmed seeing his or her own tiny hands and feet.
9. Play Pen
A safe space is something every parent would want for their child. A play pen offers it all.
A confined space with all the toys your child needs, with no worry of getting hurt, while you are working. A play pen makes an impressive gift for the new child.
10. Baby Carrier cum Rocker
It is tiring for the new mothers to keep the baby in lap all through the day when the child wants just to be rocked. A baby carrier cum rocker is one of the best things which helps a child to be comfortable yet the mother to relax a bit.
Also, a child can be carried from one place to the other in the same carrier as it comes with a five start safety belts, which keeps your child super safe.
11. Car Seat
Safety should be a priority. While travelling in a car, it is mandatory in most of the countries, to take the baby only in a car seat. Though it is not the case in our country, but as a parent it is our responsibility to make sure our child is safe.
So, car seat is again one of the most amazing and safe gift for a new born baby, which you can even give on the day of birth.
There are certain car seats which even acts as a baby rocker and a carrier, with all the safety features in them and serves all the 3 purposes.
12. Pram or a Stroller
The Covid times have shown us how important it is to go out of home once in a while. Same is for the infants. Going out needs to be safe and comfortable for them as well.
So pram acts as one of the most comfortable things for the parents, to take there infants for short or long outings.
The baby as well as the parents can spend a pleasant and a less tiring time outside.
13. Diaper Bag
There are so many things which needs to be carried when going out with the baby.
Not just the diapers, but also other essentials like extra pair of clothes, a rash cream, formula (if the baby is on formula), some musical toys, blanket etc. So a good and a spacious diaper bag is something every parent will need and so it makes an amazing gift to the parents.
14. High Chair
Yes, definitely not at birth but eventually the baby will need to sit in a comfortable chair to have the meals. This will not just be comfortable for the baby, but also instill in him or her a good habit of eating on the chair and the table, which will be very helpful on the long run.
15. Baby Furniture
If you are close to the new born you will be aware of what baby furniture would be required to place in the babies room and plan to get the same. There are so many options available online in amazing colors and looks. You can decide depending upon the preference.
A wooden rack, a rack with drawers, a cupboard, book shelf, and so many other things that you can gift.
16. Books
Yes, it is a digital world, but still their is nothing like books. so, why not inculcate the habit of books from infancy itself.
There are so many touch and feel books, cloth books, musical books available, that it will be wonderful for them the little one to explore them, even as soon as they are born or may be in a few months.
17. Bottle Warmer
For parents who love to travel by road, bottle warmer is an another wonderful gift. It can be used to warm the milk for the little ones and comes in handy in times when they get super cranky. Again this will make a wonderful gift.
18. Teething set
Teethers are something which is used by almost every baby. Yes again not immediately after birth, but eventually they will needing it.
Go for a silicone based teethers, which are hard yet flexible and very comfortable for the babies to chew on. There are so many different shapes, sizes and colors of the teethers available and you can choose the most attractive ones for them.
19. Outdoor Toys
They would definitely want to go out all the time as they grow up and want to ride on those slides and swings. It is really difficult for the parents to spends hours in the parks especially if they are working parents. So why not build a small play area in the yard outside or even in any of the empty space inside the house or may be on the terrace.
A slide, swing or tunnel would make an amazing gist for the little one.
20. Rattle Set or Musical Toys
A new born child will be attracted towards the sounds. So, a set of rattles or musical toys such as a toy train with a lots of lights or a dog jumping all over with lights and sounds or may be a doll dancing the music will be very pleasant for a kid to have as he or she enters infancy. It helps a kid to get elated to various types of sounds and colors.
A musical instrument such as a drum where the child can just tap or touch will help again the development of gross motor skills and also help in getting interested in music.
Gifting something to a new born is very crucial as it should be both useful and something that should not cause any harm to the baby at all. Of course the baby won’t be using the above mentioned gifts right away but they will be growing up soon and will be using these wonderful gifts as they grow up.
And if they your relationship to them is the closest, it becomes even more important to choose a perfect gift.
Happy Gifting!
Nice topic regarding baby gifts. Will be helpful in choosing the Gift
Thank you so much