
All kinds of Dental information is shared in this category which is 100% accurate and is supported by authentic references.

invisible teeth aligner, braces, invisible teeth aligner vs braces

Invisible Teeth Aligners vs Braces: How to make the right decision

Have you been looking for a perfect option to get your teeth straightened?Have you been confused what to choose, invisible teeth aligners or braces? Then you have reached the right place. This article has been written by the expert after doing a 100% research and giving you the exact answer for your problem. The braces […]

Invisible Teeth Aligners vs Braces: How to make the right decision Read More »

dental braces, eating with dental braces, braces, orthodontist

8 Tips To Eat Comfortably When You Have Dental Braces

Dental braces (Orthodontic treatment) are used to align your teeth which might not be properly aligned in the mouth. You might be having unesthetic feeling with your teeth, difficulty in eating as your teeth do not contact properly or even sometimes feel your jaw is protruded. In such cases dental braces is the choice of

8 Tips To Eat Comfortably When You Have Dental Braces Read More »

fissured tongue, fissured tongue causes, fissured tongue treatment

Fissured Tongue : All You Need To Know

Fissured tongue simply means that you have some grooves (fissures) or furrows on the surface (dorsum) or sides (lateral aspect) of your tongue, which may range from 2 to 6 mm in depth. Some patients may have a central midline fissure with smaller fissures branching off at 90-degree angles. Other patients may have numerous grooves crisscrossing

Fissured Tongue : All You Need To Know Read More »

Ever wondered when exactly should you take your child for the first dental visit??

First Dental Visit Of My Child: When, Why and How?

Ever wondered when exactly should you take your child for the first dental visit?? Due to the lack of awareness of dental health and hygiene, we as parents do not stress much on the dental visits. Until and unless there is pain or discomfort with both ourselves as well as our kids, we try to

First Dental Visit Of My Child: When, Why and How? Read More »

toothbrush, electric vs manual toothbrush, manual toothbrush, electric toothbrush.

Are Electric Toothbrush Better Than Manual Toothbrush?

For many it is a dilemma which brush to use. It is a difficult choice when it comes to manual toothbrush vs electric toothbrush. But both have their own pros and cons. Technology has been so advanced that our toothbrush are also electric. But the question remains the same, should we replace our manual toothbrush

Are Electric Toothbrush Better Than Manual Toothbrush? Read More »

Tongue tie, Ankyloglossia

Tongue Tie (Ankyloglossia): All You Need To Know

Tongue Tie or Ankyloglossia though not so common, is seen in many new born and is some times a matter of concern for the parents. It doesn’t cause a lot of major problems and is easy to treat. Therefore it is not a very alarming condition and parents should not be worried much. What Is

Tongue Tie (Ankyloglossia): All You Need To Know Read More »


10 Exciting ways to get your toddler to brush their teeth!!

Brushing teeth is one of the most important and healthy habits that parents can instill in their children. It sometimes is a struggle and sometimes seems just impossible to make your child brush without any tantrums. But we can make it fun and exciting for them so that they voluntarily ask you to brush their

10 Exciting ways to get your toddler to brush their teeth!! Read More »

salt water rinses, salt water gargles, salt water mouth rinses, salt water rinses after wisdom tooth extraction

The Ultimate Guide to Benefits of Salt Water Rinses and Gargles

Salt water rinses is a home remedy to so many routine problems involving mouth and throat. Dating back to 1600s salt water has been used as the first line of treatment at home by many. It has been used for sore throat, bleeding gums, tooth aches, mouth sores, bad breath etc. You definitely might have

The Ultimate Guide to Benefits of Salt Water Rinses and Gargles Read More »

teething tablets,

Are teething tablets safe for babies ?

Teething tablets are the first thought in a parents mind when it comes to teething pain and discomfort. Most of the kids start teething between the age of 4-6 months. But some get their first tooth as late as 18 months of age. Teething is a normal natural phenomenon but it is associated with pain

Are teething tablets safe for babies ? Read More »

GC Tooth Mousse, remineralization,

GC Tooth Mousse a Simplified Guide to its Benefits and Uses

GC Tooth Mousse is an effective way of reducing the sensitivity, preventing further remineralization of the enamel and many other oral health problems. But always consult your dentist before using the product.

GC Tooth Mousse a Simplified Guide to its Benefits and Uses Read More »

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