Parenting is one of the most selfless things known to mankind. 1st of June, is celebrated through out the world as the Global day of parenting.
It is celebrated to honor the parents for their selfless commitment to their children. It emphasizes on the effort they put in, in raising them to the best of the humans they can be.
During this pandemic of Covid-19, parents are the ones who had to suffer the most, as children would not understand what is going around. With the schools working only virtually, it is hard on parents to continue their own work from home as well as accompany their kids for the virtual classes.
Hats off to them for managing everything in the best possible way they could. Taking care of the kids at home, their work in office, all the house hold chores and also the tantrums the kids might have thrown due to being jailed at home and being not able to meet their friends and teachers at all.
A mother is someone who gives birth to the child, without caring about her own body, she has the sleepless nights, feeding and being awake for the child, just because the child is not sleepy as he or she slept through the day when mom was working. She makes sure the child is fed properly, is clean and happy by spending the maximum possible time with the child.
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A father is someone who is always there for his children to fulfill all that the child wants. When the mom is stressed or upset the father is of course there after the tiring work in the office to hold the child, and help kids soothe. He tries his best to be like a kid while playing with his children, makes funny noises, lets her daughter paint his nails, and his son be his mini me.
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Together they do wonders to raise the tiny little human, and so they deserve all the praise that can be given to them, to do the best they could. They deserve all the appreciation for all that they do, especially during the tough times, like a pandemic.
So the theme this year for the Global parents day is, “Appreciate all parents throughout the world.”
To all the parents DentistMaa wishes a very happy Global Parents Day!! You guys are doing great and are amazing!!
Happy Parenting!!